Sunday, March 25, 2012


Hi Friends,

I know it's been a while since we wrote.  Last weekend was nothing short of a disaster.  We attempted to move from the RV park we've been at since September to a lot nearby.  We had electrical issues with the RV but finally got it moved.  After leveling it at the new site, we couldn't get the electric to work at all.  It was Sunday, so we were stuck.  Luckily, a good friend let us spend the night with the cats in her spare room.  Tight squeeze, but beggars can't be choosy.

On Monday we went to Roswell with the RV for repairs.  They replaced a dead battery and installed a new converter.  We returned to our new 'home', leveled the unit once again and tried to turn on the electric.  Long story short, the electric on his property was not properly installed - supposed to be 50AMPs but not.  So we are back here at the RV park temporarily. 

We are still looking for a new 'home'.   The RV park has changed hands and the new managers want to get rid of the monthly residents and replace us with the daily visitors instead.  With little choices of where to go, we are not sure where we will end up.  KOA north of town is a long drive and their water is awful.  White's City is close to the CAVE but far from town where we have laundry and grocery stores.  Maybe I'll get lucky and find another job somewhere else.  Send good thoughts our way please!

Enough complaining.  I did title this post 'spring' and the desert is starting to awake from it's winter hiatus.  Mescal is blooming a fragrant purple flower.  It reminds me of lilacs.  Yuccas are also blooming a lovely white/creme color flower.  We could certainly use some rain, less wind and less heat.  We are already hitting the 90's.  I guess a hot summer is just around the corner.

Thinking about all of you.  Miss you and think of you often.

Love to all,

Val & John and the kitties.....

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wild Weather

Hi Family and Friends,

As we transition from winter to spring, the weather has gotten wild.  When I got home from Florida, the weather was cool.  Then it started to warm up and soon we went from the fireplace to the air conditioner. 

It was so warm one night, we went to bed with the AC on, only to wake up cold and the wind was howling, causing the RV to shake.  For two days we had winds gusting over 50 mph.  The dust, sand and dirt around town made the sky an awful brown.

Then the weather turned cold and yesterday we had snow.  Yup, just when we thought winter was over, we had more snow.  Not enough to stick to the ground, but enough to watch as it flew in the air.  Kept drinking tea to warm up.  Today it's still cloudy, light drizzle and raw. 

Wish we could find a happy  medium with the weather, but all too soon I'm sure it will be hot and I'll be missing these cold snowy days.  The summer around here in New Mexico are way too long and just around the corner.

Love to all,

VAL & JOHN and the kitties!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Florida Trip

Hi All,

I got back last night from my trip back home to Florida.  Spent most of the week with my mother.  It was hard to leave beautiful 'green' Florida to return to the dry desert.

Here are some of the pictures I took while I was home...

Mom at Boca Grande Pass on the lighthouse deck

Panorama of Boca Grande Beach with Mom

Mom in front of Boca Grande Lighthouse

Mom and me at Boca Grande Pass

Mom at Venice Jetty on her birthday

Mom with her birthday flowers sent by Russ

That's all for now.  It's a nice day here in the desert - sunny and no wind! 

Love to all,

Val & John, Sassy, Shadow, Momma Cat, Scooter and Spot!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Mom's birthday

Hi Friends,

Today I'm lucky enough to be sharing the day weith my mom on her birthday.  Later we will be driving up to Venice, FL to eat at her favorite restaurant, "The Crow's Nest" (Russ, eat your heart out!).  It's a great seafood restaurant on the intercoastal waterwater. 

Spent my first night in FL at my friend Carol's house.  It was good to see her and her husband Paul.  It's nice to know I have such great friends.  Even to go lunch with another old friend Rita.  Eating lots of great food here in FL.  I'll be starving once I return to Carlsbad, NM.

It's been a good week so far, we've been to the beach twice, Boca Grande one day and Honeymoon Island yesterday.  Even got to see my good friends, Joanne and Lynne.  I got to visit with some of my other ranger friends as well.  I do miss HISP, it's such a beautiful place.  Saw the eagles, owl and tons of ospreys.  Great day.

Need to get a move on it.  I think Mom wants to go out shopping soon...

Love to all,

VAL - who misses John and her kitties!