Monday, June 14, 2010

First day

Hi Friends,

Today was my first day of work and I thought it went rather well. All right, I'll be honest, I had a lot of fun! Now I realize it was my first day, but, I'm working in a cave - one of the world's most beautiful caves. How cool is that?

First there was a quick morning meeting a few introductions, and a tour of the visitor's center. Next, I was handed an audio guide and told to take a walk down the Natural Entrance, using the audio guide. They told me to take my time, so I did. I could spend the entire day there... oh wait, I will be! I've walked the Natural Entrance trail several times in my life, and I'll admit, each time I see things I didn't see in past visits.

Later, I met with my supervisor and did all the typical new job paperwork. She confirmed one last time that they do intend to pay me to show up here. Then it was time for lunch and a quick call to John to tell him things were going well.

The afternoon was equally as fun. I shadowed the King's Palace tour, which is one of the most popular tour, and a beautiful portion of the cave. This part of the cave has been used, many years ago in various films. Awesome tour, so if you ever get the chance to go to the cave, book the tour (you can make reservations online). The day flew by rather quickly, even with some more paperwork to fill out.

There's so much to learn, but I'm really excited about it all. I'm actually looking forward to going to work tomorrow! How many people can say that? :-) That's it for tonight... More soon.


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