Saturday, July 10, 2010

It's a Small World

No, I'm not talking about my mother's favorite ride at Disney World. The other day I was leading the Kings Palace tour at the caverns. I mentioned during the tour that I was originally from NJ. After the tour, I was talking with one of the participants when he asked where I lived in NJ. I told him from the Woodbridge area and he mentioned he lived in Flemington.

Next, he bent down and read my name badge. Glowinski is not the most common name in central NJ, and he said he had a friend named 'Steve' with the same last name. Who would expect in a group of 56 visitors to Carlsbad Caverns that one of them would know my brother-in-law?! So Steve, if you're reading the blog, your friends the Stone's said 'Hello'! :-)

It never ceases to amaze me, even as I'm thousands of miles from home (in FL and even NJ) that this world truly is a small one. I wonder who else I might meet this summer...

More soon,


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