Saturday, November 13, 2010

Seasonal employees

Hi Friends,

This next week will be a hard one at Carlsbad Caverns. Many of the summer seasonals will be leaving - their six month assignments over. Over the past six months I have made some great friends and really don't want to say goodbye to them. They will be missed dearly, but hopefully we will get another opportunity to work together soon. Regardless, there will be quite a few tears shed this week. Luckily for me, I have had my season extended for a few more weeks and won't leave until the new year.

Working as a seasonal for the Park Service gives you the opportunity to work for a variety of parks. You can apply to whatever parks you'd like to work at, and hope you score high enough on their list to get a phone call from the park. Some parks are more competitive than others. We'll see what next year brings. I would return to Carlsbad Caverns, but preferably in the winter season when it's not 100+ degrees outside. Most of you know I'd love to spend the summer at Glacier, but I'd be content at many other parks as well.

That's it for now. Need a shower before it gets much cooler tonight. We were below freezing last night. Had both the fireplace (electric) and heat (gas) on last night. Even the cats were cold!

Miss you guys,


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