Sunday, December 26, 2010


Hello Friends,

Hope your Christmas was everything you wanted it to be. Ours was very sedate. John caught my cold and feeling rather lousy yesterday. He's feeling better today, but we're taking it easy all the same.

Earlier in the week we took a boat ride on the Pecos River to see the Christmas lights with other friends from the cave. We were lucky it was the warmest night all week. The lights were beautiful, some set to music. We missed the lunar eclipse because of clouds, but hope to see the meteor showers in early January.

Back to work for me tomorrow. This was to be my last week here in Carlsbad, but I've been extended until 'spring' so we'll be here for a while longer. John is taking the week off - he has to use the rest of his vacation time before the end of the year - use it or lose it! :-(

That's about it from here. Miss you all...


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