Sunday, February 27, 2011

Waiting game

Hi friends,

Still waiting to hear something, anything from the NPS regarding employment for the summer. I had a few more referrals this past week, but no more 'availability requests' and no interviews. I realize it's still early, but patience has never been my best virtue.

With more and more veterans coming back from the Middle East, it gets harder and harder to score high enough to get a referral. I lack veterans preferance, which can give them up to ten extra points in the hiring game. It can be frustrating, but I also don't give up easily.

Expecting high winds today. Gust as high as 50 mph (or even higher , depending upon what channel we watch on TV. The sky is blue, and it's already in the 50's, but with high winds, hiking is out of the question.

There was a fire in the Guadalupe Mountains National Park on Thursday/Friday. They had closed all of the park to hiking for a short time on Friday. You could see the cloud of smoke and smell it from the caverns. With high winds and low humidity, it will be a bad fire season.

I think that catches you up on our adventure.

Hope you all are doing well.

Love to all,

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