Sunday, April 15, 2012

April showers!

Hi All,

This week we had three days in a row of rain.  Not a lot, but the clouds started to build by lunchtime and in the late afternoon we had some showers - even some thunder and lighning.  We will take any rain we can get, but we're still in an exceptional drought. 

The forecast this morning says no rain for the upcoming week.  Today the skies are blue and it's in the 60's right now.  It would be a great day for a hike to see the flowers bloom, but I hurt my back (not sure how).  The other issue is we are expecting storng winds later today.  Yesterday it was so windy the sky was brown with dirt and dust. 

The cats are doing OK.  Shadow's medication was reduced, Momma Cat is now on injectable insulin.  She seeems to tolerate that better than pills.  For those of you who have tried to pill a cat, you know it's not easy.  For those of you who have never had the FUN of pilling a cat - think of a squirming chain saw coming at your hand and face with sharp teeth and razor blade claws on all four paws!  NOT FUN...

That's it for now.  Hope you are all doing OK.

Miss ya and love ya,

VAL & JOHN & the five cats

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