Friday, June 1, 2012

Moving day

Hello All,

Today we are moving up to Alto, NM.  It's about 175 miles NW of Carlsbad, up in the mountains.  John will be up there for June and July.  I will be up there on weekends, and staying with friends for the next two months. 

The temperatures will be much more tolerable for John and the cats in Alto.  There is great hiking in the area, so when it's the weekend, we won't have to drive for three hours to find some pretty places. 

We expect to leave here in about an hour.  I have the inside of the RV ready to go.  John is working on the outside of the RV.  The cats know something is up - they are all hiding under the sofa!

More to come once we get settled in. 

Love to all,

VAL & JOHN and the kitties!

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